
Elva: “Así puedo ayudar en la tarea a mis hijos”

[youtube p6QBSmPxuso 340 223]

Listen to our stories in English:

Elva: [audio:Elva.mp3|titles=Elva]

Criselda: [audio:Criselda.mp3|titles=Criselda]

Voice: Isabela Lyrio

Este video forma parte en la serie “Para que las mujeres no nos quedemos atrás…”.  SIPAS (mujer joven), son los testimonios de: Balvina, Elva, Criselda; mujeres que a pesar de los problemas que tuvieron para educarse perseveran para superar su analfabetismo.

Elva – “Así puedo ayudar en la tarea a mis hijos”

“No fui a la escuela desde pequeña, los otros niños eran pequeños y yo era grande, “viejita”, solía tener vergüenza al lado de mis compañeros, porque me decían tu eres grandulona”.

Criselda – “Nuestros lápices, los guardábamos muy bien”

“(…) papa y mamá tomaban, ellos no tenían dinero para comprarme cuadernos, por eso, antes sólo iba con un cuaderno, no llevaba varios cuadernos, nuestros lápices no los perdíamos, los guardábamos muy bien”.

Realización: Campaña Peruana por el Derecho a la Educación; Campaña Mundial por la Educación; Comisión Europea; Save the Children.



I wish that my parents had sent me to school when I was very young. But I got to school when I was ten years old… I wonder if my parents cared about me, cause if they did I wouldn’t be in such a situation.

Other children were small, and I was big, “old”… I used to be embarrassed of my colleagues because they said I was big.

My school was far away, and teachers would arrive at noon. They did not teach us well, that’s the way it was.

When I arrived at school, sometimes I wasn’t in time, not every day. Sometimes I wouldn’t come, because my dad would made me feed the sheep.

But now I would say to all women, that they make their children to go to school from an early age, because now, I see my son who was enrolled in the kindergarten at the age of two, and he speaks very well, although his hands still do not work as they should. I read a short story, and my son is right when he answers the questions.

I finished elementary school without failing, and so I did in high school. I feel good for having finished school, because I can assist my children with their homework, because if I had not gone to school, and I was an illiterate, how would I teach my children? I wouldn’t teach them, I wouldn’t read… So I feel happy that I have finished high school. I can assist my children with their homework.


I wanted to go to school, but my father and mother were alcoholics. They had no money to buy us notebooks, so I only had one. We also did not have many pencils, so we could not lose the ones we had, we were very careful about them.

After school I went home for lunch, and then I went back to school. At 5 pm I finally went home, and when I got there my mother was drunk, and that is why she never cooked us dinner. That’s the way it was.

I tell all mothers to send their children to school, so they will not end up like us, working in the fields, sad, dirty. We all must go to school.

I want my daughters to be professionals…
That they make a lot of money.
Why do you want to study?
Because I don’t want to be a mother.
Because I don’t want be poor.
Because I want to be a doctor.
To cure.

So that women are not left behind…

Produced by: Campaña Peruana por el Derecho a la Educación; Campaña Mundial por la Educación; Comisión Europea; Save the Children.

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